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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Get rid of the system that uses a council leader and his cabinet of political chums and vote for a mayor directly elected by the people of the Medway Towns and answerable to the people. You only have 8 days left to voice your opinion - DO IT NOW!

"The choice has to be made as to whether we continue with our local authority headed by a council leader, elected internally by his political chums, or a mayor directly elected by the people of the Medway Towns and answerable to the people.
Too little publicity has been given to the vital opportunity to follow the success of directly elected mayors in other parts. The people of the Medway Towns should go to where they can follow the link which gives them the facts and a survey enabling them to express their preference."
From a letter in The Medway Messenger 18th June 2010.
Remember you only have until 30th June 2010 to give your preference. This has not been well advertised by the council - I wonder why?

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