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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ever had "Bad Thoughts"?

I had a few recently:

What if the proposed new bus station with its lack of shelter and facilities and less bus stops than now available in the Pentagon was actually a ruse to make people drive their cars into Chatham and pay exhorbitant parking charges to Medway Council. (Perish the thought!)

What if the council were just steamrollering through any old bus station without proper consultation or impact studies just to get the government hand-out of £6 Million? (Out Damn Spot!)

What if the council wanted to close the existing Pentagon bus station so that it could be turned into shops and increase the commercial rates paid to the council? (Hush-a-my mouth!)

What if there wasn't a huge majority of one party on the council - would it have made any difference - and if  so will anybody think about that on polling day? (Now you're being silly!)

What if somebody realises that the real "elephant in the room" is that monstrosity The Pentagon Shopping Centre and suggests pulling it down? (And pigs might fly!)

What if all occurances of the word "Regeneration" were replaced with the word "Resuscitation" on all the signs around the Medway Towns - would the public react more positively to this as being a description nearer to the truth? (Lies, lies and damn lies!)

I must stop eating so much cheese!

1 comment:

Tinkerbell said...

Pull down the Pentagon? Ridiculous.
The next thing you'll want will be Mountbatten House (Medway's answer to 2001 - A Space Odyssey) to be removed. Perish the thought that we could once again see the river from the Great Line park as well as through the buses in front of the shopping centre, or the mushrooms crowding on the bus station, or from the top of the Archimedes screws overlooking Rat Bay....